Home Banking & Internet Explorer

As you may know, Microsoft discontinued support of its Windows XP operating system on April 8, 2014. Because of this, no future security patches will be available, leaving users exposed to potential risk. As Windows XP users aren’t able to upgrade beyond Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), and with the large number of users now upgrading their operating systems, as of September 23, 2015, our Home Banking service provider has ended support for IE9 and below.

Microsoft has also announced starting January 12, 2016 “only the most recent version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates.”  That leaves Internet Explorer 11 as a required upgrade for all PCs and devices running Windows 7.

For more information, review our frequently asked questions below.

What is a web browser you may ask?

Without a web browser you cannot view or interact with websites. How do you personally access websites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook, and YouTube? You might commonly use the program that opens when you click the big blue “e” icon on your desktop. This “e” icon is not a shortcut to a generic “internet” or “Web” program. It is a shortcut to a Web browser made by Microsoft, called “Internet Explorer” (also referred to as “IE”). Internet Explorer is currently at version 11. But many people are still using IE9 and IE10.

TNConnect recommends you run the latest version of IE. You can download this Free Upgrade to Internet Explorer 11, available here.

Another option to consider is switching to another browser or adding an additional browser, as computers are permitted to have multiple browsers. Latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari are supported. These options are free, and are considered by some to be more stable and secure than Internet Explorer.

Why will Home Banking no longer support the latest version of Internet Explorer?

Users who have Microsoft XP as their operating system are not able to upgrade their browsers beyond Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). On April 8, 2014 Microsoft discontinued support of the Windows XP and as a result, no future security patches will be available, leaving users exposed to potential risks. Because of the risks, many users have already upgraded their operating system, which in turn has led our Home Banking service provider to determine that support for older versions of IE was no longer necessary.

Because of the large number of critical vulnerabilities Microsoft patches in its browser — 84 in the last two months alone — it will be extremely risky running an unsupported version of IE.

If you are not able to upgrade IE to the latest version, you can still access Home Banking from an alternate browser such as Google ChromeMozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

When did Home Banking stop support for older versions of Internet Explorer?

Home Banking ended support for Internet Explorer 9 and below on September 23, 2015.  TNConnect recommends using the latest version of IE.

What will happen if I log into Home Banking with Internet Explorer 8 after October 11, 2015?

IE9 and below will continue to work for Home Banking but pages may not display properly and support will not be provided. However for our Bill Pay service Internet Explorer 8 will no longer be supported and will be blocked.  You can still access Bill Pay using the latest versions of ChromeFirefox and Apple Safari.

Will access be blocked for users who attempt to login to Bill Pay using Internet Explorer 8?

Internet Explorer 8 will no longer be supported and will be blocked.  You can still access Bill Pay using the latest versions of ChromeFirefox and Apple Safari.

How can I tell if I am using Internet Explorer 8 to access Bill Pay?

Open Internet Explorer, go to the Help menu or gear icon and click About Internet Explorer. The window that appears should show the version of Internet Explorer you are running on your computer. You can also visit http://supportdetails.com/ from your browser to see which version you have.

What browsers will be supported?


Internet Explorer 10 and 11
Firefox latest version
Chrome latest version
Apple Safari latest version


Safari for iOS verison 8

  • Android version 5.0 +

  • Chrome latest version